Please be patient, the entire infrastructure is being changed, and all the changes have to propagate, with their individual latencies. The root .se has 2 hour latency, the dns name system has 6 hours latency, and individual cache mechanisms also influence how long the process is for each function. Aim is to have all systems up and fully functional by 2016-09-29 @ 08:00hours local time (GMT+2)
Activitity log // updated as work commences
2016-09-28 @ 19:50 web-servers connected, start correction of host-header and database match
2016-09-28 @ 19:30 client connectivity to all e-mail servers ok
2016-09-28 @ 19:00 inbound e-mail working
2016-09-28 @ 18:30 start connectivity tests to inbound e-mail servers
2016-09-28 @ 16:xx most domains corrected
2016-09-28 @ 12:15 start corrections on all client domains, est time 3 hours
2016-09-28 @ 12:00 firewall upgrade, web traffic allowed to one server
2016-09-28 @ 11:45 first virtual server converted and connected,, responds
2016-09-28 @ 10:00 root system, forward and reverse dns pass funtional tests
2016-09-28 @ 06:00 start .se changes to root system
2016-09-28 @ 03:00 two new domain controllers powered on, ns1 &
2016-09-28 @ 02:30 power installation finalized, firewalls powered up
2016-09-27 @ 22:30 the last servers was taken down
2016-09-27 @ 17:00 the move to new physical location was initialized
The reason for this large scale of changes is that the entire industrial area in Lund, where the servers did reside, is to be torn down to give way for apartment housings.