Vi testkör nu en ny version och avsevärt förbättrad webbmail.
Vi räknar med ca två veckors test-period, innan vi rullar ut den nya versionen till alla användare.
Följande skriver tillverkaren om den nya versionen.
AfterLogic Corporation February 2, 2010
AfterLogic WebMail Pro v6.0 is here now, and we can proudly say - it rocks! In this release:
* Completely rewritten Admin Panel.
* Redesigned User Settings screens.
* New AJAX uploader for attaching files. No Flash issues, works with most newer browsers, supports attaching multiple files, shows the progress of operation.
* User interface made faster than ever. For instance, no more delays after deleting a message and updating the message list.
* IMAP quota indicator on the message list screen.
* Shift + mouse click opens a new window.
* Print and Save buttons in the preview pane.
* New messages count is displayed in the browser's tab caption and in the taskbar.
* POP3 and IMAP synchronization modes simplified and made transparent for the end user.
* Extra optimizations for high loads and clustered environments.
* Tons of other fixes, nice improvements, bells and whistles.
This version also deprecates some confusing options and rarely-used modes to achieve the optimal balance between flexibility and
clarity of the product.
You can find the full list of changes in this version at: